CATEC is always looking for ways to collaborate with local schools and become community partners with local organizations. Please contact us at 434-973-4461 to discuss ways we can mutually support each other's goals.
over 3 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
Community Partners
CATEC is thrilled its Nurse Assistant students are starting 40 hrs of clinicals today! Send our students positive thoughts as they embark on new challenges & help our community. Learn more about the Nurse Assistant program:
almost 4 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
Nurse Assistant
Nurse Assistant
Nurse Assistant
Check out the most recent article from @DailyProgress about @CATEC_Adult programming and accreditation:
almost 4 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
Last reminder: all CATEC scholarship applications are due today! Get your packet in!
almost 4 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
CATEC Scholarships
CATEC Culinary Arts II students spent the last two days practicing their baking skills by making from-scratch croissants and napoleons. Yum! @CulinaryCatec
almost 4 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
Culinary Arts
Culinary Arts
Culinary Arts
Mr. Smith delivered CATEC-made pollinator homes to MHS yesterday. Blue orchard bees can enjoy them outside the MHS building & students will be able to study bees in their new habitats. What an exciting cross-curricular collaboration! Thank you @understanek! @k12albemarle
almost 4 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
Pollinator Houses
Pollinator Houses
Pollinator Houses
CATEC Building Trades students are getting lots of use out of their Diamondback Toolbelts as they build picnic tables in the shop. Diamondback generously donated toolbelts to the program and they're getting excellent use this year. What a treat!
almost 4 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
Diamondback Toolbelts
Diamondback Toolbelts
Diamondback Toolbelts
CATEC scholarship packets are due on Friday, April 16th! Get your in if you are planning to continue your education after graduation!
almost 4 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
CATEC Scholarships
CATEC Fire Science students worked on CPR and First Aid training today. @CatecFire
almost 4 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
Fire Science
Fire Science
Fire Science
Schedule a private tour of the CATEC building! See our students workings in their programs, ask instructors questions, and talk to someone who knows CATEC well. Contact School Counselor Maggie Wilson for your tour!
almost 4 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
CATEC Building
We hope our CATEC families, staff, and community have a safe and restful Spring Break. CATEC resumes classes on Monday, April 12th.
almost 4 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
Spring Break
CATEC's Adult Education @CATEC_Adult program is looking to hire an EMT Instructor for the summer. If you're interested, or know someone who might be, check out the post at:
almost 4 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
Join Our Team
The lettuces and herbs growing in the @CulinaryCatec kitchen are really taking off. The grow system comes courtesy of the program's grant from @DominionEnergy & were used in the program's menu for its fundraiser yesterday. @fskjr6
almost 4 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
Culinary Arts
Culinary Arts
Culinary Arts
This ain't no joke- our food bus Technical Eats! is serving up some seriously delicious lunch options today. Stop by our parking lot 11-1:30 for a meal that supports our program's purchase of a new bus generator. @CulinaryCatec
almost 4 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
Technical Eats Menu
Let us take care of lunch tomorrow Thursday April 1. CATEC's Technical Eats! food bus will be serving up lunch in our parking lot 11-1:30. Grab your lunch to-go and enjoy a meal that supports our students. All proceeds go to the program's new generator for the bus. @CulinaryCatec
almost 4 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
Technical Eats Menu
March is wrapping up but March Madness keeps going in Cosmetology class. Ms. Waller and Mrs. Brown have been sporting their referee shirts all month as students continue with their learning. This week, they're studying layers of the skin and acne. @CATEC_Cos
almost 4 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
CATEC has decided to extend its scholarship application period until April 16th. And, we have added an additional scholarship opportunity- $1000 Blue Ridge Home Builders Association Work Force Development Scholarship. Get your applications in before spring break!
almost 4 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
Having a case of the Mondays? Let us take care of 1 decision this week- Thursday's lunch! Our @CulinaryCatec food bus Technical Eats! will be in our parking lot 11-1:30 serving some some delicious homemade meals. The program is fundraising for a new bus generator. Menu attached
almost 4 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
Technical Eats Menu
CATEC knows learning that takes place in our building is one step in a lifelong learning journey. CATEC Scholarship Applications are due on 3/31. Take our money and run to your next learning opportunity! @k12albemarle @CvilleSchools
almost 4 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
Scholarship Application
Friendly reminder that CATEC is accepting Scholarship Applications for graduating students who plan to further their educations. Applications are due 3/31. Don't wait until the last minute!
almost 4 years ago, CATEC Live Feed
Scholarship Application